© Lionel Beck - North Yorkshire - UK
"Our nation must come together to unite."
"There's a little bit of England inside every American."
"Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a
mother and child."
"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."
"The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. I
mean in this century's history. But we all lived in this century. I
didn't live in this century."
"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?"
"Welcome to Mrs Bush, and my fellow astronauts."
"I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom
and democracy - but that could change."
"The (South Carolina) policy on inter-racial dating, I mean I
spoke out on inter-racial dating. I spoke out against that. I spoke
out against inter-racial dating. I support the policy of inter-racial
"One of the great things about books is sometimes there are
some fantastic pictures."
"Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things."
"One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor,
and that one word is "to be prepared."
"I understand small business growth. I was one."
"Will the highways on the internet become more few?"
"I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good
judgments in the future."
"I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican."
"A low voter turn-out is an indication of fewer people going to
the polls."
"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the
impurities in our air and water that are doing it."
"I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."
"It is clear our nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. More and
more of our imports come from overseas."
"Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take
"Drug therapies are replacing a lot of medicines as we used to
know it."
"One of the common denominators I have found is that
expectations rise above that which is expected."
"Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't
do it, that's trustworthiness."
"We'll let our friends be the peace-keepers and the great country
called America will be the pace-makers."
"I think we agree, the past is over."
"The senator has got to understand if he's going to have he can't
have it both ways. He can't take the high horse and then claim
the low road."
"The most important job is not be Governor, or First Lady in my
"We're going to have the best educated American people in the
"I would have said yes to abortion if only it was right. I mean,
yeah it's right. Well no , it's not right. That's why I said no to it."
"We have a firm commitment to NATO; we are part of NATO. We
have a firm commitment to Europe. We are part of Europe."
"I will have a foreign-handed foreign policy."
In July 2001 "Dubya" visited Britain, meeting Prime Minister Tony
Blair, and Her Majesty the Queen. A journalist asked the President
how his meeting with the Queen had gone. He replied,
"Your Queen is neat."
During his visit to Britain, he went to the British Museum, where he
met a party of schoolchildren. A little girl asked him what the
White House was like. He replied,
"It's white."
(You can't help being in awe of this man! In 2008 Americans elected Barak Obama
as Democrat successor to Republican George W Bush. I am so happy for them
that they now have a President whose first language is English.)
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“I think we
agree the past
is over”
Two years compulsory
National Service in the
Royal Army Service Corps.
I progress from “Sprog” to
Drill Sergeant in the hell
hole that was 2 Training
Battalion, Willems
Barracks, Aldershot.
All the gory details, plus
Keith Pritchard
I met Keith 2009. He
was a Tour Manager for
“Great Rail Journeys”
and he added great
value to our vacation in
France, cruising the river
Rhone on the “Princesse
de Provence”. He read
my page on losing my
daughter and sent me a
poem he wrote some
time ago during a low
period in his own life.
Jokes, funny stories
and general lunacy
from a variety of
sources, including
those circulated around
the Web
(President of the USA
2000-2008) was
famously inept with the
construction of words and
Here are a few examples
at which you can now
laugh with a clear
conscience since he is no
longer in such a powerful
Laugh at the quotes and
be grateful that the USA
now has a President
whose first language is
For a couple of years I
kept a diary of some of the
sillier and/or otherwise
noteworthy occurrences
both in the UK and abroad.
This is how 2002 looked
through my jaundiced
eyes. The World in the
year after “9-11”
A Great Rail Journeys
vacation: Eurostar to Lille,
northern France, TGV to
Lyon, southern France,
and a week’s cruising the
Rhône and Saône on the
Princesse de Provence.
Notes and photographs.