What's this Website
all about?
It started as a memorial to
my late daughter, Jackie
(1968-1987) to connect
with others who had lost a
child; but there's more life
than death here; it’s not a
If you've lost a child, go to
Losing my Daughter and
read what we went
through & learn about our
return to a kind of
If you want to "talk" or
share your experience
please Contact Me.
Other pages are a mix of
opinion, rant, humour,
poetry & travel. Some call
it a weird mixture. Perhaps
it is. Each page stands
If it is an incongruous mix,
well - so is life! Over there
to the right is a link to my
Guest Book. Always good
to know who’s visiting!
© Lionel Beck - North Yorkshire - UK
The Difference between Knowledge & Intelligence
Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are fruit. Intelligence is
refraining from adding them to a fruit salad.
The Difference between Eroticism & Perversion
(with acknowledgments toTory MP Giles Brandreth)
To be erotic you pluck a feather from a duck and waft it around
delicately and sensitively on the body of your partner. To be
perverse, you use the whole duck.
Freedom of Speech in Iran
“There is freedom of speech in Iran, but there’s no freedom after
you’ve spoken.” - Shappi Khorsandi (Iranian-born
More Quotes ..
There are holes in the sky
Where the rain gets in.
They are ever so small,
That’s why rain is thin.
- Spike Milligan.
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Welcome to my Website - updated September 2011
Two years compulsory
National Service in the
Royal Army Service Corps.
I progress from “Sprog” to
Drill Sergeant in the hell
hole that was 2 Training
Battalion, Willems
Barracks, Aldershot.
All the gory details, plus
Keith Pritchard
I met Keith 2009. He
was a Tour Manager for
“Great Rail Journeys”
and he added great
value to our vacation in
France, cruising the river
Rhone on the “Princesse
de Provence”. He read
my page on losing my
daughter and sent me a
poem he wrote some
time ago during a low
period in his own life.
Jokes, funny stories
and general lunacy
from a variety of
sources, including
those circulated around
the Web
(President of the USA
2000-2008) was
famously inept with the
construction of words and
Here are a few examples
at which you can now
laugh with a clear
conscience since he is no
longer in such a powerful
Laugh at the quotes and
be grateful that the USA
now has a President
whose first language is
For a couple of years I
kept a diary of some of the
sillier and/or otherwise
noteworthy occurrences
both in the UK and abroad.
This is how 2002 looked
through my jaundiced
eyes. The World in the
year after “9-11”
A Great Rail Journeys
vacation: Eurostar to Lille,
northern France, TGV to
Lyon, southern France,
and a week’s cruising the
Rhône and Saône on the
Princesse de Provence.
Notes and photographs.